interdisciplinary artist | composer | performer

Author: Sean Clute

  • Mud Season

    Mud Season

    About: About Mud Season Mud Season is an audiovisual performance that incorporates hand-drawn animations, interactive video and sound. The work travels under the Spring moons as snow melts revealing what is hidden underneath. A celebration of growth, the performance includes a creature emerging from the mud, an explosion of rainbows and an expanding orb of…

  • Notweed


    About: About Notweed Japanese Knotweed (Reynoutria japonica) is an invasive species in Vermont. Notweed, Rural Noise Ensemble’s interactive sound installation, was a response to the violent language of localism, the semiotics of foreignness and invasion of containment, management, and eradication that quietly trains us to accept xenophobia and racism. The installation is an immersive soundscape,…

  • Soundtrack for Mutable Spirals of Ascension

    Soundtrack for Mutable Spirals of Ascension

    About Soundtrack for Mutable Spirals of Ascension is an audio composition created for an experimental dance for camera work, Mutable Spirals of Ascension.  Directed by Jessica Gomula and choreographed by Pauline Jennings, the work follows two dancers as they navigate Shanghai’s bustling streets, urban forests and massive industrial sites in search of connections to wild.…

  • Work Samples

    Work Samples

    About The above images are documentation of experiments I created using live-video, interactivity, sound, animation and installation. The images can be viewed using the embedded Flickr player. Info about each image can be seen by clicking “Show Info” in the top right of the player. Image List: Big Timber (CHOP, CHOP!) | Interactive Audiovisual Performance…

  • THE (        ) BETWEEN



  • Dancing Ellipses

    Dancing Ellipses

    Dancing Ellipses from Sean Clute on Vimeo. About The installation Dancing Ellipses lights up the Hong Kong skyline with three dots traveling vertically on three facades of the International Commerce Centre skyscraper. Initially, the objects are in synch but gradually fall out of phase allowing for syncopated visual movements. After two minutes, the objects realign,…

  • GIHON (a performance)

    GIHON (a performance)

    GIHON (excerpt from simulacrum project) from Sean Clute on Vimeo. About GIHON is an audiovisual performance that combines field recordings of the Ghion River in rural Vermont, electromagnetic processing that reveals the playback mechanisms of the recordings, and live responsive video. GIHON investigates the creation of something new while returning to the old. As a…

  • GIHON (an installation)

    GIHON (an installation)

    GIHON (an installation) from Sean Clute on Vimeo. About GIHON is a sound installation that combines field recordings of the Gihon River in rural Vermont. The sound is diffused through four speakers, as well as, into a bucket of river water. In essence, the electromagnetism of the recordings are transmitted through water and re-amplified from…

  • Cutting Wood

    Cutting Wood

    Rural Noise Ensemble – Cutting Wood from Sean Clute on Vimeo. About The Rural Noise Ensemble incorporates the sound and energy of cutting wood in preparation for a cold Vermont winter. The sounds of the amplified firewood are modified by a computer and later mixed with additional homemade instruments, guitar and a sample of a…

  • Listen


    About The above images can be viewed using the embedded Flickr player. Info about each image can be seen by clicking “Show Info” in the top right of the player. Listen is an exhibit that documents custom-made electronic instruments which reveal inaudible electromagnetic and acoustic sounds. Photographs, circuits, and other artifacts on display become evidence…

  • Mythos (Know Thyself)

    Mythos (Know Thyself)

    Mythos (Know Thyself) from Sean Clute on Vimeo. About Know Thyself (γνῶθι σεαυτόν) is an audiovisual performance in which interpretations of Greek mythology are improvised. The work can be divided into three parts including Know Thyself, Greek Dancer, and Towards Kefalonia. During the solo performance, the audience is witness to a hybrid of resampled iconic…

  • Veritable Vicissitudes (Dubai)

    Veritable Vicissitudes (Dubai)

    Veritable Vicissitudes (Dubai) from Sean Clute on Vimeo. About Veritable Vicissitudes, by Double Vision, is a multi-projection video and sound installation. Audience found themselves moving through a maze of hanging scrims outdoors on the campus of American University – Dubai. Willingly, or not, their own bodies become participants as light and shadows create overlays echoed…



    About In the ANIMAL, conversion of awareness into action is instantaneous. To fight or flee, to strut or pause, to synchronize, camouflage or attack: these are not decisions, but immediate and visceral responses held deep in the muscles of the body of the animal. ANIMAL: Archaeologies of Instinct is a collaboration that places a choreographic exploration…

  • Quotidian Mandala

    Quotidian Mandala

    Quotidian Mandala Trailer from jessica gomula on Vimeo. About This is the soundtrack for the dance film Quotidian Mandala. The work shows a solo dancer searching for enlightenment through cycles of repetition. Infused with strength, emotional intuition, and fierce intellect, she embraces her own demure fragility. She is at moments elusive; viewers just catch the…

  • Evolutionary Patterns and the Lonely Owl (Mutation #2)

    Evolutionary Patterns and the Lonely Owl (Mutation #2)

    Evolutionary Patterns and the Lonely Owl (Mutation #2) from Sean Clute on Vimeo. About Intermedia performance group Double Vision (directed by myself and Pauline Jennings) presented a large-scale event exploring simultaneity, chaos, and rule-based interaction through dance, music, video, art and technology as part of ArtSFest. Evolutionary Patterns and the Lonely Owl encouraged the audience…

  • Disembodied Head

    Disembodied Head

    Disembodied Head from Sean Clute on Vimeo. About Disembodied Head is an intermedia performance series that utilized new technologies and performance in varied ways to look at the separation anxiety and desires of the body and mind at moments of disconnect. The work examines what happens when the natural connection of the mind and body…

  • Hysteresis (excerpt)

    Hysteresis (excerpt)

    Hysteresis (excerpt) from Sean Clute on Vimeo. About Hysteresis is 70 minutes of dance, sound, lights, and costumes informed by a residency at the Museumsquartier in Vienna, Austria. The work is a metaphor for the state of being alien or observing that which is alien to oneself. Free from traditional structures and narratives, Hysteresis evokes…

  • Circles (excerpt)

    Circles (excerpt)

    Circles from Sean Clute on Vimeo. About Circles is an interactive performance created in collaboration with intermedia group DOUBLE VISION and the University of Arizona Schools of Music and Dance. During the event, dancers interacted with IR-sensors networked to computers running custom audio-video software. The mapping of the dancers’ movements therefore provided data to create…

  • Sketches [00-49]

    Sketches [00-49]

    About This is my first book. The pages are filled with abstract images or “sketches” created from code. After experimenting with the computer software Processing, it was time to choose my favorite fifty images and share them with the world. So, here they are. The primitive points, lines, and shapes are a departure from my…

  • Feedback [1-5]

    Feedback [1-5]

    About This is an artifact from a number of sonic experiments with feedback I created in 2008. Feedback and harsh noise was in the forefront of my mind after living with fellow Mills College graduate David Holton. He would spend all day hunched over a Mackie mixer configuring aux send and receives to master the…

  • Luminosity but sometimes Troll

    Luminosity but sometimes Troll

    About This is an experimental electronic composition created for the contemporary dance work 6 Phrases, 3 Rules by choreographer Pauline Jennings. As is true with much of Jennings’ choreography, the movement is abstract while the choreography is generated through human adherence and interpretation of set rules. Thus, I approached the music by first taking a…

  • Bowling (Video Sintesi)

    Bowling (Video Sintesi)

    Bowling (Video Sintesi) from Sean Clute on Vimeo. About Bowling is a video artwork that exhibits processed found footage from a bowling tournament in upstate New York. Akin to the anticipation among spectators at the tournament, the video highlights the suspense of a bowler attempting to hit a seven-ten split. The original video was rearranged…

  • Gymnastics (Video Sintesi)

    Gymnastics (Video Sintesi)

    Gymnastics (Video Sintesi) from Sean Clute on Vimeo. About Gymnastics is a video artwork that exhibits processed found footage from Carly Patterson’s gold medal victory at the 2004 Athens Olympics. Like the gymnast, the video is anchored in its own center of gravity and then tumbles around that point. For example, the video tracks a…

  • Mechanical Bull (Video Sintesi)

    Mechanical Bull (Video Sintesi)

    Mechanical Bull (Video Sintesi) from Sean Clute on Vimeo. About Mechanical Bull is a video artwork that exhibits processed found footage of a mechanical bull and rider. The original footage, found on youtube, is processed using the software Max/MSP Jitter. All original video frames were randomly rearranged without duplication thus recreating the essence of the…

  • Wolfram Projections

    Wolfram Projections

    Wolfram Projections from Sean Clute on Vimeo. About Wolfram Projections was a live video performance/installation for the Oakland Underground Film Festival as part of the illuminated corridor project. Pauline Jennings and myself projected lines, shapes, dots, and Wolfram patterns onto the outside of the Art Deco Theater in Alameda California. The video was inspired by…

  • Big Timber (CHOP, CHOP!)

    Big Timber (CHOP, CHOP!)

    Big Timber (CHOP, CHOP!) from Sean Clute on Vimeo. About Big Timber (CHOP!, CHOP!) is a animation in which characters Conuton Valve and Coon Dog meet at The Monopole in Plattsburgh, New York to find themselves traveling to California in the quest for gold and the Plasma Cloud. The piece attempts to blend historical and…