interdisciplinary artist | composer | performer

Disembodied Head Thumb

Disembodied Head

Disembodied Head from Sean Clute on Vimeo.


Disembodied Head is an intermedia performance series that utilized new technologies and performance in varied ways to look at the separation anxiety and desires of the body and mind at moments of disconnect. The work examines what happens when the natural connection of the mind and body is inhibited by a factor like Alzheimer’s, which inhibits the mind, or spinal injury, which causes paralysis of the body. The work also looks at moments of interconnectivity and separation that occur when the human body and mind interact with and/or develop a dependence upon technologies such as machines.

A lot more information can be read here: Disembodied Head Paper


Key contributors
April Henry – Face of Animated Head
Pauline Jennings – Assistant Director
Pauline Jennings – Choreography
Amy Nielson – Costume Designers
Zemi 17 – Music for Disembodied Head #2

Performers in Disembodied Head #5
Bethany Clemen
Justin Gray
Shawn Irwin
Jason B. Jones
Amy Nielson
Isabelle Sjahsam
Nicole Zvarik


Disembodied Head Paper (.pdf | 1.8 MB)
Disembodied Head Video Excerpt (.H264 mov | 74.1 MB)
Disembodied Head 1 Media (.maxpat (4), .txt (2), .pct files (182) | 10.7 MB)
Disembodied Head 2 Media (.maxpat (2), .txt (2), .mov (4), .aif (40) | 2.55 GB)
Disembodied Head 3 Media (.maxpat (3), .txt (1), .mov (5), .aif (4) | 139.6 MB)
Disembodied Head 4 Media (.maxpat (2), .txt (1), .mov (1), .aif (5) | 1.18 GB)
Disembodied Head 5 Media (.maxpat (1), .txt (1), .mov (1), .aif (2) | 46.1 MB)
Disembodied Head Soundtrack (.aif (2) | 259.6 MB)
Disembodied Head Transition (.maxpat (1) | 3.6 MB)