interdisciplinary artist | composer | performer

December 1, 2014 | Stories from Dubai @ Johnson State College, Vermont

Stories from Dubai
Date:December 1 [Mon], 2014 @ 2PM
Where:Johnson State College, Sterns Cinema, Vermont
Info:Johnson State College
Media Arts professor Sean Clute and BFA students Lance Caron and Jessica Warren will be sharing stories from Dubai. The three were participants in the 20th International Symposium on Electronic Art. They will discuss there the conference, culture, their own video installation and much more.

The project was supported by the Special Initiatives Fund
This project was supported in part by the Vermont Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts

November 5, 2014 | Double Vision @ American University, Dubai, UAE

ISEA Dubai
Date:November 5 [Wed], 2014 @ dark
Where:American University (outside near art building), Dubai, UAE
Info:ISEA 2014
Veritable Vicissitudes, by DOUBLE VISION, is a multi-projection video and sound installation. Audience may find themselves moving through a maze of hanging scrims outdoors on the campus of American University – Dubai. Willingly, or not, their own bodies become participants as light and shadows create overlays echoed throughout the space.

Concept and Design by Sean Clute, Pauline Jennings, Video Jessica Gomula, Sound Sean Clute InstallationSean Clute, Lance Caron, Jessie Warren

The project was supported by the Special Initiatives Fund
This project was supported in part by the Vermont Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts

November 3, 2014 | ISEA Talk @ Zayed University, Dubai, UAE

ISEA Dubai
Date:November 3 [Mon], 2014 @ 12:30PM
Where:Zayed University, Dubai, UAE
Info:ISEA 2014
Double Vison (Sean Clute and Pauline Jennings) will be giving a talk at the 20th International Symposium on Electronic Art In Dubai. The Roundtable talk entitled Interactive Technologies & Movement will be moderated by Flounder Lee and include speaker Maziar Ghaderi. We will be discussing methods of audience interaction in performance and technology.

The project was supported by the Special Initiatives Fund
This project was supported in part by the Vermont Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts

October13-18, 2014 | In No Time @ Helen Day Art Center, Stowe, VT

In No Time (Installation)
Date:October 13-18 [Mon-Sat] @ call 802-253-8358 for times, 2014
Where:Helen Day Art Center, 90 Pond Street, Stowe, VT
Info:Helen Day Art Center
Dancer and choreographer, Polly Motley will create new intermedia performances during In No Time: A Retrospective of Ideas. For one month, the East Gallery will be occupied by performers within an installation of video projections, changing lighting and sound, in a working studio setting. Dancers Diane Madden, Paul Besaw, John Jasperse, Stacy Spence, Lisa Nelson, Shelley Senter, video artist Molly Davies, and musician/composers Sean Clute and John King will join Motley in multidisciplinary collaboration. The Art Center will be enlivened throughout the month with participatory laboratories, performances, discussions and dance parties.

October 6-12, 2014 | In No Time @ Helen Day Art Center, Stowe, VT

In No Time (Dancing the Numbers)
Date:October 6-12 [Mon-Sun] @ call (802) 253-8358 for times, 2014
Where:Helen Day Art Center, 90 Pond Street, Stowe, VT
Info:Helen Day Art Center
Dancer and choreographer, Polly Motley will create new intermedia performances during In No Time: A Retrospective of Ideas. For one month, the East Gallery will be occupied by performers within an installation of video projections, changing lighting and sound, in a working studio setting. Dancers Diane Madden, Paul Besaw, John Jasperse, Stacy Spence, Lisa Nelson, Shelley Senter, video artist Molly Davies, and musician/composers Sean Clute and John King will join Motley in multidisciplinary collaboration. The Art Center will be enlivened throughout the month with participatory laboratories, performances, discussions and dance parties.

Sep 29- Oct 5, 2014 | In No Time @ Helen Day Art Center, Stowe, VT

In No Time (Extreme Repose)
Date:Sep 29-Oct 5 [Mon-Sun] @ call (802) 253-8358, 2014
Where:Helen Day Art Center, 90 Pond Street, Stowe, VT
Info:Helen Day Art Center
Dancer and choreographer, Polly Motley will create new intermedia performances during In No Time: A Retrospective of Ideas. For one month, the East Gallery will be occupied by performers within an installation of video projections, changing lighting and sound, in a working studio setting. Dancers Diane Madden, Paul Besaw, John Jasperse, Stacy Spence, Lisa Nelson, Shelley Senter, video artist Molly Davies, and musician/composers Sean Clute and John King will join Motley in multidisciplinary collaboration. The Art Center will be enlivened throughout the month with participatory laboratories, performances, discussions and dance parties.

September 19-28, 2014 | In No Time @ Helen Day Art Center, Stowe, VT

In No Time (Construction)
Date:September 19-28 [Fri-Sun] @ call (802) 253-8358 for times, 2014
Where:Helen Day Art Center, 90 Pond Street, Stowe, VT
Info:Helen Day Art Center
Dancer and choreographer, Polly Motley will create new intermedia performances during In No Time: A Retrospective of Ideas. For one month, the East Gallery will be occupied by performers within an installation of video projections, changing lighting and sound, in a working studio setting. Dancers Diane Madden, Paul Besaw, John Jasperse, Stacy Spence, Lisa Nelson, Shelley Senter, video artist Molly Davies, and musician/composers Sean Clute and John King will join Motley in multidisciplinary collaboration. The Art Center will be enlivened throughout the month with participatory laboratories, performances, discussions and dance parties.

September 6, 2014 | DOUBLE VISION @ Spruce Peak Art Center, Stowe, VT

DOUBLE VISION 6 Phrases, 3 Rule
Date:September 6 [Sat] @ 8PM, 2014
Where:Spruce Peak Performing Arts Center, 7320 Mountain Rd., Stowe, VT
Cost:$20 (advance), $25 (at door)
Info:Spruce Peak Performing Arts |
DOUBLE VISION will be performing part of DanceFest Vermont!. This will be an incredible showcase of local choreographers at an incredible venue.

DOUBLE VISION will be performing 6 Phrases, 3 Rules, is an emergent trio for dancers Hanna Satterlee, Avi Waring and Willow Wonder. Equipped with three rules governing interaction and six abstract and richly complex movement phrases devised by choreographer Pauline Jennings, the dancers will create a work generated through human adherence and interpretation of set rules. There will be no beginning nor end to the piece – it will simply exist, evolve and emerge for a set amount of time. Additionally, the trio features an original sound score, Luminosity but sometimes Troll, by Sean Clute.

DanceFest Vermont! celebrates leading edge Vermont dance. You’ll experience the intersection of space and emotion, spiced with moments of impossible beauty and organized effort. Four Vermont choreographers have created works for Vermont audiences, with Vermont dancers, film makers, and designers. Experience this first annual celebration of dance in Vermont! The Barre Opera Houseconcert on September 5 features different choreographers and dances. Attend both for the full Vermont experience.

DOUBLE VISION creates experimental performances for dance, music, and video that embody the changing landscape of
contemporary culture. The group has toured nationally and internationally with performances at venues including the Merce
Cunningham Studio, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Macworld Artist Salon, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, ODC Theater and Mills College. Dance Informa magazine has exclaimed “this is how modern dance should be: beautiful and edgy all at once.”

Choreography by Pauline Jennings; sound by Sean Clute; dance by Hanna Satterlee, Avi Waring and Willow Wonder.

August 18, 2014 | DOUBLE VISION @ CDFS, Montpelier, VT

DOUBLE VISION 6 Phrases, 3 Rule
Date:August 18 [Mon] @ 8:30PM, 2014
Where:CDFS, 18 Landon St., Montpelier, VT
Cost:Donation (pay what you want)
Info: | 802-299-4676
DOUBLE VISION’s newest work, 6 Phrases, 3 Rules, is an emergent trio for dancers Hanna Satterlee, Avi Waring and Willow Wonder. Equipped with three rules governing interaction and six abstract and richly complex movement phrases devised by
choreographer Pauline Jennings, the dancers will create a work generated through human adherence and interpretation of set rules. There will be no beginning nor end to the piece – it will simply exist, evolve and emerge for a set amount of time. Additionally, the trio features an original sound score, Luminosity but sometimes Troll, by Sean Clute.

DOUBLE VISION creates experimental performances for dance, music, and video that embody the changing landscape of
contemporary culture. The group has toured nationally and internationally with performances at venues including the Merce
Cunningham Studio, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Macworld Artist Salon, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, ODC Theater and Mills College. Dance Informa magazine has exclaimed “this is how modern dance should be: beautiful and edgy all at once.”

Choreography by Pauline Jennings; sound by Sean Clute; dance by Hanna Satterlee, Avi Waring and Willow Wonder.

June 25, 2014 | Sketches [00-49] | Everywhere

Sketches 00-49
Date:June 25 [Wed], 2014
Where:Sketches [00-49]
Announcing the release of my first book, Sketches [00-49]. The pages are filled with abstract images or “sketches” created from code. After experimenting with the computer software Processing, I choose my favorite fifty images and share them with the world.

The primitive points, lines, and shapes are a departure from my typical work, which is primarily composed of concrete photographic images. After years of partnership with contemporary choreographer Pauline Jennings, her work rubbed off on me. Her dances are abstract, complex, and incorporate shifting shapes and patterns. Processing allowed me to attempt emulating her dynamic movement style.

Computation also played an important role in this work. Similar to Ms. Jennings’ mathematical approach to choreographing bodies in space, I used math to coordinate shapes and color onscreen. Thus, all images in this book were created by text instructions. Visualizing and realizing these sketches had surprising similarities to using tools such as a pen and paper. I doodled, observed, critiqued, redrew or threw-out dozens of Processing sketches before just one seemed to appeal to my aesthetic sensibility.

Sketches 00-49 was an experiment in manipulating data to make images both simple and complex, organized and messy, and strict and playful. Art and code unites these elements in my creative process.

June 18, 2014 | Luminosity but sometimes Troll | Everywhere

Luminosity but sometimes Troll Banner
Date:June 18 [Tue], 2014
Where:sound cloud for Luminosity but the Troll
Announcing the release of Luminosity but sometimes Troll. This is an experimental electronic composition created for the contemporary dance work 6 Phrases, 3 Rules by choreographer Pauline Jennings. As is true with much of Jennings’ choreography, the movement is abstract while the choreography is generated through human adherence and interpretation of set rules. Thus, I approached the music by first taking a sample of a saxophone and used granular synthesis to extract and loop six segments of the audio file. The result was a pulsing and ambient master track. I then incorporated a vocal track of trolls “speaking”. The combination was intended to bring a rough and stochastic quality of trolls to the rhythmic nature of the granular sounds; thus mimicking the quality of Jennings’ movements and choreographic forms.

May 27, 2014 | Release of Feedback [1-5] | Everywhere

Cover Art for Feedback [1-5]
Date:May 27 [Tue], 2014
Where:soundcloud for feedback[1-5] playlist
This is an announcement of the release of Feedback [1-5], a number of sonic experiments with feedback I created in 2008. Feedback and harsh noise was in the forefront of my mind after living with fellow Mills College graduate David Holton. He would spend all day hunched over a Mackie mixer configuring aux send and receives to master the signal flow. Not only was it inspiring to see someone so dedicated to their craft, the sonic result was extraordinary.

Witnessing Dave inspired me to investigate feedback within the computer. I used Reason, Max/MSP, and an Oxygen 8 MIDI controller. I started by looping one output back into an input and adjusted sends and receives on a virtual mixing board. First with one channel, then with two, three, etc.. Eventually, I added basic processing (effects) to the channels. Every sound is purely digital from within the machine.

After I updated my OS, these feedback works became dead. I did not update my copy of Reason, my Max patches were lost and I never reconfigured my MIDI mapping. Maybe this is the nature of working with electronic sound; it is ephemeral. However, the memory of creating these improvisations remain. I
was sitting in a hot dorm room at Amherst College, my headphones on, twisting knobs, observing the audio meters pegged into the red. It was the summer, it was sweaty, it was the perfect environment for creating some noise.

Years later (it is now 2014) I stumbled upon these feedback recordings on an old external drive. I selected five tracks and left the others stored away; most likely to obscurity. This is a compilation of those recordings.

March 19, 2014 | DOUBLE VISION @ Johnson State College | Vermont

Date:March 19 [Wed] @ 8PM, 2014
Where:Dibden Theather, Johnson State College, Johnson, VT
Info:DOUBLE VISION | Johnson State College |
Encrypted Trajectory is DOUBLE VISION’s newest full-evening dance work featuring emergent choreography by Pauline Jennings and live sound by Sean Clute. In Encrypted Trajectory, five dancers navigate a framework of rule-based systems in a shared mission of discovery and survival. Throughout their struggle, dancers will be testing societal structures of leadership and rebellion through fleeting coalitions.  

Jennings’ movement is often evocative of abstract dreamscapes while Clute processes environmental soundscapes of outer space, earthquakes, oceans and the womb. Lighting design by Jan Herder will transmit monochromatic beams and costumes by Amy Nielson will contribute a surreal layer to the work.

DOUBLE VISION, a Vermont based intermedia performance group, will include collaborations with choreographer Pauline Jennings, sound by Sean Clute, costumes by Amy Nielson, lighting by Jan Herder and dancers Jennifer Mellor, Hanna Satterlee, Ellen Smith-Ahern, Avi Waring and Willow Wonder.